For hundreds of years, lighthouses have existed for the sole purpose of protecting sailors from shipwreck and lighting their way. It is not surprising that lighthouse tattoos have become a popular solution for those who want to keep a symbol of their inner faith and a reminder of their own path.
We will discuss the best styles, colors and most popular places on the body to create this tattoo. We will also talk about other meanings that this structure carries , and the various connotations that you can get by getting such a tattoo.
Lighthouses: a brief history
Before we were accustomed to today’s appearance of lighthouses, in the past they were high platforms on top of a hill, on which fire burned.
As you already know, these structures were used to guide sailors to the shore. However, over time, the design changed and began to include high towers rising from the ground upwards, with fires that were heated with coal and wood. These new designs improved the visibility of the coastline.
In 1782, Amy Argand, a Swiss scientist, invented the famous Argand lamp with thorium dioxide, which hung in a tower above the flame. To create flames, lighthouse keepers used everything from vegetable and olive oil to whale oil as their main source of fuel.
It wasn’t until 1970, however, that kerosene took center stage as the most popular flame fuel in most lighthouses around the world. It was soon replaced by acetylene gas, which eventually gave way to electric lighting for ships.
Not surprisingly, lighthouse keepers are virtually non-existent today. This is because many marine vessels use GPS (Global Positioning System) technology.
The meaning of the lighthouse tattoo?
In literature
Writers such as Virginia Woolf and Edgar Allan Poe used their personal relationship with lighthouses in their writings and communicated it to the public for decades.
Not only were they fascinated by the lighthouses themselves and devoted time and attention to studying them, but they also used them as powerful emblems. For Woolf, the lighthouse was a symbol of power and longing, and for Poe, the personification of love for solitude.
If you want to get a tattoo as a reminder of hope in times of trouble, you can infuse it with the tenacity of the Wulf characters on their way to the lighthouse and bring to life the time that has passed before it with Poe’s interpretation of his appointment.
If you observe the structure of the lighthouse, you can see that its base seems to be located both on the ground and in the depths of the sea. Like an old tree towering above the surrounding nature, it has the appearance of an unshakable and ancient structure.
This certainly makes this design the perfect symbol of stability and is a great option if you want to find more of this in your life.
During the times of universal lockdowns, for many, loneliness has firmly entered their lives. For some, however, this experience of allowing the soul to breathe and the mind to wander freely is a blessing.
Apart from their original purpose, lighthouses on sea cliffs serve a brilliant purpose – they serve as a place where anyone can come and spend a few hours alone, undisturbed by anyone’s presence.
If you think that you feel best when you are alone, or just like to spend time with yourself, this tattoo is a great option for you.
Landmark in life
The light emanating from the lighthouse is visible for many miles and serves as a warning to sailors that they are approaching the shore. This makes it a navigator, a guiding light – one of the most common meanings people refer to when getting a lighthouse tattoo.
If you want body art to remind you of the best path that’s right for you, a lighthouse tattoo might be just what you’re looking for. Choose a light shining from above if you want to highlight the idea behind the landmark.
Places on the body for a lighthouse tattoo
This tattoo can be placed anywhere on the body. Its size will determine the location of the sketch on the body. If you want to apply a small image, then the wrist, finger, ankle, nape, etc. are suitable for this.
However, if you want to make a medium-sized tattoo, an arm, forearm, hip, calf, shoulder blade are suitable for this. And for a large drawing, the back and abdomen area is perfect.
Elements used in lighthouse tattoos
There are a huge number of ways to get a lighthouse tattoo. You can make it with or without any additional element, in any case it will look amazing.
Tattoo lighthouse and ship
Of course, these structures were created for people who surf the seas and oceans on ships, so these two symbols complement each other.
This symbiosis is suitable for those who love marine images. But it can also represent the spiritual idea that your vessel (body) is under the relentless supervision and guidance of light (spiritual forces).
Tattoo lighthouse and compass
Just like a lighthouse, a compass is designed so that a traveler at sea does not lose his way and finds his way to home. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can often see them together in one composition.
Use whatever you like, but make sure it goes well with your personality. Also, be sure to have it done by a professional tattoo artist for the best results!!!
Lighthouse tattoo in different styles
Black and gray style
Black and gray tattoos are done with completely black inks, which are diluted to create different intensities and washes of the coloring pigment.
The lighter colors and contrast in this style of body art are created by “tearing the skin” when a person’s skin tone becomes lighter than the colors used in the work.
A black and gray lighthouse tattoo will give it a classic yet slightly surly look.
Geometric style
Is it possible to create an original tattoo using simple geometric shapes and lines? It turns out it’s possible. And it looks pretty good.
Blackwork style
In the blackwork style, large areas of the tattoo are covered with rich black.
It requires a skilled hand, but when applied correctly, such works look amazing.
Since the lighthouse is meant to pierce the darkness with its light, the tattoo aesthetic of this style is perfect for conveying this stunning contrast.
In the style of realism
A realistic drawing made by a skillful hand is something beautiful.
If you want to depict a specific building in its true form, this style is for you.
In watercolor style
Although at first the tattoo community was skeptical of this style, watercolor tattoos remain relevant to this day.
What could be better for piercing the darkness than a bright watercolor painting?
These tattoos are truly innovative with their bold use of washes, drops and splashes of color.
Sketch style
Sketch tattoos have a strong artistic feel.
If you want your tattoo to look like an abstract piece of art, consider this style of body art.
Neo-traditional style
Style illustration
Illustrative tattoos give you the opportunity to get a soft, picturesque look.
These drawings combine lighthouses with surreal imagery for whimsical effects.
Lighthouse tattoo meaning for men and women
Although this symbol refers more to professions related to the sea or maritime affairs, but despite this, it is perfect for those who, by the will of the profession, are separated from their loved ones and away from home. This image will serve as a guide on the way to the house.
For those who like to travel, the lighthouse has always given a sense of protection and security to those who spend time wandering. As much as you love to explore the world, your heart is where your home is.
Lighthouse tattoo sketches
Lighthouse tattoo photo
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